Thursday, August 6, 2009


This week my step sister Amanda and her husband Will and her daughter Cami were here visiting from Hawaii!  Cami grew up here, but since her mom and dad went into the military she lives in Maryland with her dad and she went to visit her mom who is stationed in Hawaii with her hubby Will this summer!  We went out to Sakura in Burlington for dinner Wednesday night and then back to our house for some hot tub time!  It was a nice visit and I am sad to see them leave :-(   Amanda will be deploying to Iraq in May.

Will, Amanda & Cami
Cousins sword fighting
A perfect night for the hot tub!
I don't know if you can see, but Xavier had rivets in his trunks and everytime he would come out of the water, water would spill just looked funny!
Harper loves sitting with her Papa Tim!
They were laughing and smiling at each other!

1 comment:

Unknown said...

Great your sister is coming to your home now you are in full excitement rite??
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