Tuesday, May 12, 2009


It has been 10 days since Harper arrived and there have been a few changes in the Neyens house!  

First of all, Harper is the best baby EVER!  She is starting to sleep more and more every night!  Last night she only woke up once at 3:30am for about 45 minutes to eat and poop and then went back to sleep until Xavier and I woke her up at 7:30!!  

Xavier is having a little trouble at school...as in he doesn't want to go!  On Friday it took us 3 times to get him to go inside and it ended up that he wanted to ride in Daddy's truck to go to school!  Once Steve took him in his truck he was great!  Monday was the same old story!  I took him to school and he was throwing a fit.  I felt so bad as he was screaming on his way down the hall and then screaming for mommy once I left!  My heart was breaking...but of course 10 minutes later he was great!  Tuesday was great!  He basically ran down the hall to his class and was like, "see ya later mom!"  Ok...I hope we are over that separation anxiety!! 

Steve is at a class all week and is also working, so I am all by myself!  I don't know how Octomom does it!  He comes home tonight until he has to go back to work tomorrow for his 24 hour shift and then right into his class the next day, so basically we don't see him for almost 48 hours!  I kind of like it though because I have the house to myself and I can get a ton of things done!  I also get to be a "wife" for a couple days!  So today is wife Tuesday and Thursday and Friday will also be wife days!  Basically meaning I get to greet my hubby at the door when he comes home with dinner and my firefighter apron on!!

Ok back to the kiddos!  Xavier loves holding Harper and "petting" her.  She is very tolerant of him, I'm sure that will change in the future!  She does not like to be naked, hates having her diaper changed and is not a fan of baths.  She is quite the snuggle bum just like Xavier was!  We are so in love with this little girl!  

Cuddling with big brother
I just love watching them sleep!
Fresh out of the bath.


Megan said...

so sweet! Being a mom of two little ones is definitely challenging at times but it's amazing how much love one heart can hold!

The Gilfillans said...

She is so beautiful! I see a big resemblance with her and X-man.